Exact time in cities and countries of the world

Find out the exact time in any city or country in the world. Find the city or country you need by name. Find out the date, day of the week, season, sunrise and sunset.

Do you want to know what time it is in another city or country? Are you planning a trip, a business meeting or a call abroad? Are you interested in different time zones and their features? Then you've come to the right place!

Our website provides you with the exact time in any city or country in the world. You can easily find the city or country you need by searching by name. You can also find out the date, day of the week, season, sunrise and sunset in the selected location.

Our website constantly updates the information about the time, taking into account the transition to summer and winter time, as well as other changes. Our website is your reliable and convenient source of accurate time in the world!