Current time in American Samoa

American Samoa — exact time with seconds online. American Samoa — transition to winter and summer time.
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Flag of American Samoa

American Samoa — time is now

Используется часовой пояс столицы Pago Pago

26 July 2024, Friday
American Samoa on the map
July Fr 26
05 35
10 40
3 9 15 45
20 50
25 55
6 12 30 60
American Samoa on the globe
American Samoa on the globe


Land region (Part of the world) Oceania
ISO 3166 AS
Flag Flag of American Samoa
Capital Pago Pago
Area 199 (km²)
Population ~57 881
Currency USD — US Dollar
Country phone code +1
Direction of traffic Right side

American Samoa — switching to winter and summer time

Time zone UTC11:00
Changeover to summer time Not
Changeover to winter time Not

American Samoa —