Current time in Praia da Vitoria

Praia da Vitoria — exact time with seconds online. Praia da Vitoria — transition to winter and summer time.

Portugal, Azores, Praia da Vitoria — time is now

18 December 2024, Wednesday
Praia da Vitoria on the map
Praia da Vitoria on the globe
Praia da Vitoria on the globe
December We 18
05 35
10 40
3 9 15 45
20 50
25 55
6 12 30 60


Country Portugal
Population ~6 061
Currency EUR — Euro
Country phone code +351
GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) 38.733577,-27.064658

Praia da Vitoria — switching to winter and summer time

Time zone UTC-1:00
Changeover to summer time UTC+00:00 31.03.2024 00:00:00
Changeover to winter time UTC-1:00 27.10.2024 01:00:00
Praia da Vitoria — sunrise and sunset times
Sunrise 07:59:50
Sunset 17:30:24
Day length 09:30:34
Sun at its zenith 12:45:07
Civil dawn 07:31:32
Civil Twilight 17:58:41
Nautical dawn 06:58:08
Nautical Twilight 18:32:06
Astronomical dawn 06:25:44
Astronomical Twilight 19:04:30