Current time in Skövde

Skövde — exact time with seconds online. Skövde — transition to winter and summer time.

Sweden, Vaestra Goetalands Laen, Skövde — time is now

21 December 2024, Saturday
Skövde on the map
Skövde on the globe
Skövde on the globe
December Sa 21
05 35
10 40
3 9 15 45
20 50
25 55
6 12 30 60


Country Sweden
Population ~33 119
Currency SEK — Swedish Krona
Country phone code +46
GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) 58.392389,13.852408

Skövde — switching to winter and summer time

Time zone UTC+01:00
Changeover to summer time UTC+02:00 31.03.2024 02:00:00
Changeover to winter time UTC+01:00 27.10.2024 03:00:00
Skövde — sunrise and sunset times
Sunrise 08:49:24
Sunset 15:16:21
Day length 06:26:57
Sun at its zenith 12:02:52
Civil dawn 07:59:27
Civil Twilight 16:06:17
Nautical dawn 07:06:01
Nautical Twilight 16:59:44
Astronomical dawn 06:17:03
Astronomical Twilight 17:48:42